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Truchon, Catherine

Location Institut National d’excellence en Santé et en Services Sociaux (INESS) City Québec Contact

Truchon, Catherine

Catherine Truchon holds a Master’s Degree in Neurosciences from the University of Toronto, a Ph.D. in Neuropsychology and a Master Degree in Administration and Management from Laval University in Quebec City. She has worked over 15 years as a clinician in a TBI rehabilitation unit as well as a Program Leader for the Quebec Eastern Spinal Cord Injury Center of expertise. Since 2012, she holds a position as a Principal Scientist and Coordinator of the trauma and critical care Unit at l’Institut d’excellence en santé et services sociaux (INESSS). With her evaluation team and in collaboration with several research and clinical partners she oversees the development, implementation and monitoring of provincial policies, clinical tools and indicators pertaining to quality and performance in trauma. Catherine serves on different health and trauma-related boards and committees, and is involved in several provincial and national initiatives on the development of clinical guidelines and standards, the implementation of best practices and the optimization of patient trajectory and services organization.