
10th Scientific Meeting, virtual

Date From January 20, 2021 To January 22, 2021

Online "virtual" meeting

10th Scientific Meeting, virtual

Thank you to everyone for participating in the 2021 CTRC Virtual Winter Meeting.

We hope you enjoyed the CTRC virtual winter meeting and were able to access all of the sessions that interest you in a way that fit your schedule whether you were in British Columbia to Prince Edward Island. We are thankful to our members and trainees for bringing expertise, engagement and learning that makes the CTRC community so special to our second virtual meeting.

Comprising 28 presentations from trainees, the Trainee Day took place in two “virtual” rooms in parallel and ended with a great panel discussion. The Main Scientific Meeting was condensed into one and a half days, focusing on new projects in development as well as brief updates of current ongoing projects. Over 139 attendees including 69 trainees and 57 researchers participated and contributed to make this meeting a success.

We are hopeful that by this time next year we will be able to hold in person gatherings again. We are moving ahead with plans for our June 2021 Meeting to be held virtually.

We look forward to e-seeing you in June.