5th Scientific Meeting in Quebec City (QC)
From June 02, 2018 To June 03, 2018
Hôtel Manoir Victoria
44, Côte du Palais
Old Quebec
Quebec City, Quebec
5th Scientific Meeting in Quebec City (QC)
For the 5th annual scientific meeting, the Canadian Traumatic Brain Injury Research Consortium (CTRC) gathered its members in Quebec City (Quebec) from June 2nd to June 3rd, 2018. Thirty-five attendees participated in an in-depth general overview of current data and evidence-based medicine regarding various aspects of traumatic brain injury (TBI) research. The meeting also included a half-day trainee workshop with presentations and discussions on current research projects dedicated to TBI assessment and treatment strategy. Of note, the first session of the meeting was held jointly with the Canadian Critical Care Trials Group (CCCTG).